Four times in a week!

Bizarrely 4 separate times last week my orthodontic patients in Chester and Wirral told me that I look like Adam Garcia, who is on Sky –‘Got To Dance’. I had never heard of him and was expecting him to be a double for the ‘Hunchback of Notredame’ as the last time someone said I had a Doppelgänger it was Geoff Goldblum……’.The Fly’ !

Having now found out who Mr. Garcia is I am very happy to graciously accept the ‘separated at birth’ title even though poor Mr. Garcia would be less than happy. He may be able to dance OK but I bet he cannot fit braces for teeth?

I am not sure what is going on at the moment as now two West Kirby Orthodontic patients said they thought I was a double of Bear Grylls.